What Type of Stainless Steel Is Best for Food Sector?

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Today, in our blog we would like to talk about the last authorized modification of Legislative Decree of 12 December 2007, nr. 269. This Decree refers to the manufacturing of materials in contact with foodstuffs. It is fundamental for the food sector.

What are the forbidden materials?images.jpg

To be in accordance with Decree mentioned earlier, it is forbidden put on the market and use materials that are intended to come in contact with foodstuffs or water for intended for human consumption. These materials must not be made of lead (or with lead covered), zinc, tin or alloys containing more than  10% lead.  Indeed, stainless steel exceptional properties make it perfect for a wide variety of uses connected with food and drink.

Why use stainless steel in food sector?

Stainless steel is widespread employed in the food industry. In fact, this material resists to corrosion caused by many food and drinks. It’s of prime importance that the product is not “contaminated” from stainless steel. So, it prevents alterations of flavor, coloring food and drinks. In addition to this factor, stainless steel is a material that can be easily cleaned. So, the cleanliness during food processing is ensured. Lastly, stainless steel is resistant and it can be “moulded” ad hoc in order to food producing and storage.


Which stainless steel should be used?

The different type of stainless steel that are generally used in the food industry are in most cases austenitic. In particular, they are in the way of AISI 304 (EN 1.4301) and AISI 316 (EN 1.4401). The first (AISI 304) is the most used while the second (AISI 316) that also containing molybdenum, has an higher resistance to corrosion. So, it’s used in specific cases.



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