Leadership: 7 Tips that will make you a good leader

Discover what leadership is and how you can become an exceptional leader.

Find out what leadership is and how you can become an exceptional leader.

More and more organizations need a capable leadership that can motivate and lead teams considering the strategies defined by the company.

There are several innate characteristics to be a good leader. Ability to create empathy, resilience, focus, emotional intelligence, etc. One thing is certain: a good leader promotes the development and motivation of the whole team and naturally directs the business to the success.

Read on to find out how you can become a good leader.


What is leadership?

Leadership is a process by which a person influences and motivates others to fulfill a common goal.

A leader is someone with the ability to manage a business or a team, set and achieve goals, with decision-making capability and able to inspire people around them to perform in all situations

Individuals with strong leadership skills in the business world often achieve executive positions. However, it is important to emphasize that a good leadership is the one that is done in a horizontal and not in a non-vertical organizational structure.


What are the characteristics of a leader?

Good leaders consistently have 11 core leadership characteristics:

1. Ability to delegate
2. Learning agility
3. Integrity
4. Influence
5. Empathy
6. Courage
7. Respect
8. Integrity
9. Communication
10. Self-awareness
11. Gratitude

Do an introspetive exercise to see if you have these characteristics. Analyze which ones you lack and which ones you can improve.

A good way to understand if you’re really doing a good job as a leader is by asking the entire team to evaluate you periodically, through a questionnaire.

Asking them to do so, confidentially, ensures the veracity and honesty of the answers given.


How to be a good leader? 7 key steps

1. Lead by example

It is very important that your behavior is aligned with the behavior you require from others.

Lead by example in everything you do. This will encourage the team to replicate your actions with the same motivation and commitment you do.


2. Continuously develop your leadership skills

To become a great leader, it is important that you understand your own attributes and limitations.

The continuous self-improvement process will ensure you to have the right skills to be an effective leader.


3. Be technically proficient

Being an effective leader also means you need to be one step ahead of your team when it comes to your organization’s core business

You don’t need to be an expert at all, but it’s critical that you understand the threats and opportunities required by your business.



4. Take responsibility for your actions

As a leader, your team will look you as a guidance and inspiration to achieve the goals and take the business to new levels.

When things don’t go as expected, they will turn to you to take corrective and decisive action.

The way you react in times of adversity gives you the opportunity to show that you know how to be a good leader.


5. Positive Attitude

A positive environment is more likely to create a more cohesive and productive workforce.

It is impossible to have a positive attitude every day or at all times. However, the more negativity you can avoid, the more likely you are to see positive results.


6. Don’t be afraid to delegate

One of the main skills that a manager must learn quickly is the importance of delegate.

Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Delegating a task may not be an easy step at first, because you will probably have to review all the work. However, over time your team will adapt to your degree of demand.

This is one of the most effective ways to assign responsibilities and to promote the growth of your team members letting those ones with better capabilities shine.


7. Make sure everyone understand their task

Before delegated a task to someone, it is crucial that they understand what is involved and what is the desired result to clarify doubts whenever they arise.

Demonstrate a clear vision and strategy for your business.

If you want to develop your leadership skills, it is very important to know your team well.

Promote events outside of working hours, such as team-building activities, and make sure you listen all your team members motivations and challenges.

The relationship you have with your team is the most important factor in your organization. After all, you cannot be a leader without a team.


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