Recruitment: How to hire good mechanics for your workshop

Find out how you can hire the best mechanics for your workshop.

Any car workshop owner should know how crucial it is to have a good and qualified team, and how essential is the recruitment process to ensure it.

When customers go to your workshop, they expect to find a professional and dedicated team.

Therefore, it is essential that you invest some time in recruiting and selecting the best candidates, in order to ensure a top notch team.


Recruiting employees: start by improving your company

Employee recruitment and selection is a very important process. By having the right team, you can reduce possible losses caused by errors and boost customer loyalty.

The first step in attracting the best talent is to make your company a pleasant place to work.

That said, it is important to evaluate the following points:

1. Culture

Foster a culture that promotes positivity and growth, and make sure your employees feel happy. This way, you increase the retention of your best employees, while promoting a good reputation of your workshop.

2. Work environment

Make sure your workshop is a safe place and has good work conditions. Also, promote well-being by providing comfortable areas for your team’s breaks.


3. Appropriate equipment and tools

Providing quality tools, equipment and facilities will definitely make your workshop a more desirable place to work.


4. Recognition, payment and rewards

Recognize the work of your employees and reward them whenever they achieve a predetermined goal. Promote annual or semi-annual feedback sessions to align the team and set goals.

4 tips for recruiting the best mechanics for your workshop

Hiring a good mechanic can be seen as a difficult task, especially if you do it yourself. Here are some tips that can help you find the best candidates in the market.

1. Define the job role

It’s very difficult to find something if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

Putting the term “mechanic” in your job advertisement can attract people from a wide variety of qualifications, and make the recruitment and selection process way more difficult. Therefore, when defining the role, consider the following:

• The area you want to hire to
• The necessary and/or valued certifications
• Special skills you are looking for


2. Find the right mechanic

Consider posting open positions on various job portals. The ideal person can be found through a variety of different channels, from social networks, such as LinkedIn to schools or vocational training centers.

If you already have a good team, ask them to help you find new coworkers, since they probably know other mechanics from previous jobs, workshops, or schools. Offer them an incentive to value the time and effort they’ll put into it.


3. Interview the best

Ideally, you should do all scheduled interviews over just a few days so that it’s easier to make comparisons between candidates.



• Ask your best technician to conduct the interviews with you. He will know how to ask the most detailed technical questions;
• Use the same set of questions in every interview to rate each candidate with the same answers;
• Sell the job. Give candidates reasons for choosing your workshop over another location;
• Take a tour of the workshop, so they can begin to visualize themselves at work.


4. Select the best ones

“Wanting” and “needing” are two different things. Don’t hire the mechanic you want to hire, but the mechanic you need to keep your business profitable.

Empathizing with a candidate is not enough to hire him. Just because you share the same interests or you get along well doesn’t mean that he will be a good collaborator.

Evaluate him as a potential employee and not someone you want to spend more time with.

Hiring new people is a great way to grow your business and achieve your goals.


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